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第25 卷 第6 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.25 No.6 Mar. 2005 2005 年3 月 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2005 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 0258-8013 2005 06-0119-05 TM726 A 470·40 文章编号: ( ) 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 学科分类号: 屏蔽电缆的分布参数测量及瞬态分析 齐 磊,崔 翔,卢铁兵,谷雪松 (华北电力大学电气工程学院,河北省保定市 071003 ) MEASUREMENT OF DISTRIBUTED PARAMETERS AND TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF SHIELDED CABLE QI Lei, CUI Xiang, LU Tie-bing, GU Xue-song (School of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, Hebei Province, China ) ABSTRACT: The proposed experimental method involves 1 引言 only the input impedance measurements for the short- and 在电气与电子系统中,电缆主要用于联接不同 open-circuit tests. Compared with the traditional method, the 的系统,并实现不同系统之间能量与信息的传输。 direct measurements of voltage and current can be avoided. For the convenience of the transient analysis, the vector fitting 对于暴露在电磁场特别是瞬态电磁场环境下的电 method is adopted to obtain simple time-domain form of the 缆,为了抑制电磁场通过电缆对系统的电磁干扰, frequency dependent impedance and admittance. Based on the 一般采用结构较为复杂的屏蔽电缆。 recursive algorithm for time-domain convolution, the 单位长分布参数是反映屏蔽电缆电气特性的 corresponding voltage and current recursion formulations are 重要参数,电缆上各点的电压和电流响应均可通 presented. At last, the finite difference time-domain (FDTD) 过电缆的单位长分布参数来求取。实际应用中, method is used for the transient analysis of shielded cable. The 屏蔽电缆的结构比较复杂,且分布参数的频变特 results indicate that the calculated results are consistent with


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