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2 1 11        V ol. 21, No . 11 200 1 11 AC T A ECO LO G ICA SIN IC A N ov. , 2001 傅伯杰,刘世梁,马克明 ( , 100085) : , , ,, , 。 , ,。 ,、、。 、 ,,。 : The contents and methods of integrated ecosystem assessment ( IEA) F U Bo-Jie, L IU Shi-Liang , M A Ke-Ming ( Dep artmen t of System Ecology , Research Center f or Eco -En- , , 100085, ) . , 2001, 21( 11): 1885~ vironmental Science Chinese Acad emy of Sciences Beij ing China Acta E col og ica S inica 1892. Abstract: Eco sy stem s prov ide m any kinds of pro du ct s a nd se rv ices to hum an so ciety. Ho w ev er , w e still know less about cur rent conditio n s o f eco system a nd their future tr ends though they h av e been g r ea tly al- ter ed by u s in th e p ast centuries. It is urg ent to m ake an integ rated ecosy stem assessm ent in suppo r ting de- cisio n m aking f o r eco system m anagem ent to r ealize su stainable dev elo pm ent. The co nceptu al f ram ew o rk and a ssessm ent procedures of integ r ated eco system assessm ent w er e dev elo ped in this p ape r. Integ ra ted ecosystem a ssessm ent ( IEA ) is the ba sis fo r eco system m a nag em ent , w hich m ainly in- clu des the analy sis o f impo rtant g o ods and se rvices of eco system , the diag nosis o f eco sy stem health , the predictio n of future tr ends of ecosy stem , as w ell as the relev a nt eco no mical a nd so cial a nalysis. Integ rated ecosy st em a ssessm ent sho uld al so be car ried out fro m a point o f v iew of bro ad t em po ral a nd spa tial scales, - beca use lo ng te rm eco log ical pro cesses o ften exist in th e inv isible pr



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