“生物化学微课程”建设为抓手提升学生自主性学习 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

“生物化学微课程”建设为抓手提升学生自主性学习 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

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“生物化学微课程”建设为抓手提升学生自主性学习 - 国际中医中药杂志

·68 ·                                   国际中医中药杂志2017年1月第39卷第1期 Int J Trad Chin Med, January 2017, Vol. 39, No.1  ·医学教育 · 以“生物化学微课程”建设为抓手 提升学生自主性学习能力 于胜君 龚张斌 张宇奇 金国琴 夏花英 朱慧 项乐源 许瑜涵 【摘要】 教育的目的是培养具有自主性学习和终身性学习能力的人才。随着多媒体技术的发展, 以“微课程”为代表的载体在提高学生自主性学习能力领域发挥重要作用。在中医院校中,以生物化学 为代表的现代医学基础课程的教学,由于相对课时短、学习基础薄弱等原因,学生的自主性能力较差, 不利于基础学科的教学发展。本文以中医药院校生物化学教学为例,探讨如何在教学过程中合理应用微 课程,切实提升学生的自主学习能力,具有一定的普适性。 【关键词】 教学方法;自主性学习;微课程;生物化学 Research on how to promote the students autonomous learning ability with the micro curriculum construction in the Biochemistry course * Yu Shengjun , Gong Zhangbin, Zhang Yuqi, * Jin Guoqin, Xia Huaying, Zhu Hui, Xiang Leyuan, Xu Yuhan. Department of Biochemistry, School of Basic Medicine, Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 201203, China Corresponding author: Gong Zhangbin, Email: zhangbingong@126.com 【Abstract 】 The purpose of education is to cultivate talents who can master the ability of self-learning lifelong. With the rapid development of multimedia technology, the knowledge carrier represented by micro curriculum plays a very important role in improving students self-learning ability. In traditional Chinese medicine college, due to the short of time, weak learning foundation, the ability of self-learning is hard to improve in the modern medical courses such as biochemistry. This is not conducive to the cultivation of modern talents of Chinese medicine. In this paper, we chose the biochemistry teaching in TCM college as an example, and discuss how we can make the application of micro courses reasonably in the teaching process. This study was regarded as a starting to improve the studen


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