一种支持代偿运动识别的上肢虚拟训练方法 - 中国康复医学杂志.pdf

一种支持代偿运动识别的上肢虚拟训练方法 - 中国康复医学杂志.pdf

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一种支持代偿运动识别的上肢虚拟训练方法 - 中国康复医学杂志

ChineseJournalofRehabilitationMedicine, Aug.2012, Vol.27,No.8 ·康复工程· 一种支持代偿运动识别的上肢虚拟训练方法* 1 1,3 1 2 李成梁 赵翠莲 胡世东 王 凯 摘要 目的:为了建立正常的上肢运动功能,识别虚拟康复训练中的代偿运动问题,形成可量化的上肢运动训练评估。 方法:利用多个微型角度传感器获取虚拟训练中上肢的各部位角度数据,在虚拟环境下交互驱动操作物以进行训 练。提出代偿运动率的概念以及代偿运动识别算法对基本动作训练中的代偿运动进行判断和量化。借助自研的上 肢虚拟训练平台,让3位上肢功能正常者分别通过正常动作运动模式和几种代偿模式完成腕伸基本动作模拟训练, 验证代偿运动识别算法的有效性。 结果:对比试验中, 虚拟训练平台分别获取训练者在正常运动和代偿运动模式下的代偿率结果,该值与实际代偿运 动情况具有一致性。 结论:该康复训练方法中的代偿运动识别算法对上肢基本动作训练的代偿运动识别有效,代偿运动率的引入可使训 练量化评估更具完整性。 关键词: 上肢训练;虚拟现实;代偿运动;角度传感器 中图分类号:R496 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2012)-08-0732-06 The virtual training method of upper extremities with the supporting of recognition of compensative mo⁃ tor/LI Chengliang, ZHAO Cuilian, HU Shidong, et al.//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2012, 27(8): 732—737 Abstract Objective :To build proper motion function of upper extremity,by recognizing the compensative motor problems in thevirtualrehabilitationtrainingandformaquantizablemotiontraining assessmentof upperextremity. Method :Multiple angle micro-sensors were used to acquire the angle data of some positions of upper extremities in the virtual rehabilitation to interactively driven a virtual object in the virtual environment. A new concept of compensative motor rate and recognition algorithm of compensative motor were proposed to judge and quantify the compensative motor in the basic motion training. With the help of a newly-constructive virtual rehabilitation plat- form, three subjects with normal upper extremity function completed a simulation training of wrist extension re- spectivelywithdifferent motion modesin ordertoverify therecognitionalgorithm ofcompensativemotor. Result :In the comparative trial,the compensative motor rate under correct motion mode and modes of compensa- tivemotormeasuredby thevirtu


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