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湖南医科大学学报 2000, 25( 1) BULLHUNAN MED UNIV 45 X , , , , , , 第二附属医院老年病科( 长沙 410011) [ ] 。 : MCA ( Vp, Vm, DVp DVm) ( P 0. 01) ; ( P 0. 05) 。 ( P 0. 001) 。 * [ ] ; ; ; ; [ ] R44511 R243 [ ] A [ ] 100025625(2000)012 0045203 Th erapeutic hemodynamic effects of exter nal counter pulsation on elder ly p atients with br ain infar ction during convalescen ce YI Yu2xi g, ZHU Xiao2pi g, YANG Yu, et al Department of Geriatric, The Second Affiliated Hospital , Hunan Medical University ( Changsha 410011 [ Abstract ] The therapeutic hemody amic effects of exter al cou terpulsatio (ECP) a d medical routi e therapy i elderly patie ts with brai i farctio duri g co valesce ce were i vestigated by Tra scra ial Doppler (TCD) . The results showed that hemody amic parametres(Vp, Vm, DVp, DVm) a d asymmetry ofMCA i el2 derly patie tswith brai i farctio whowere treated with ECP have improved sig ifica tly( P 0. 001) , but that ofMCA i elderly patie ts with brai i farctio who were treated with medical routi e therapy have ot sig ifi2 ca tly improved. Therapeutic hemody amic effects of ECP o elderly patie ts with brai i farctio were much better tha that of medical routi e therapy( P 0. 001) . * [Key words] brai i farctio ; Tra scra ial Doppler (TCD) ; Exter al cou terpulsatio (ECP) ; Hemody amic; elderly [Bull Hu a Med U iv, 2000, 25( 1) :0045203] 体外反搏(ECP) 治疗心脑血管疾病 已获可


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