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2009 年7月 文 化 艺 术 研 究 July, 2009 第2 卷 第4期                Studies in Culture Art  Vol.2 No.4 文章编 :1674-3180 (2009)04-0149-10 光绪初年《申报》的戏剧论说 ———现代戏剧观念形成的考察之一种 孙 柏 (中国人民大学 人文学院, 北京 100872) 摘要:本文以光绪初年的《申报》 为资料平台, 对当时上海已出现在公共舆论中的戏剧论说 进行考察。租界飞地的特殊文化空间, 不仅直接造就了沪上中西演剧的繁荣局面, 也为文人 墨客就戏剧观念进行比较评价提供了一个开阔的视野。本文将要讨论的题为 “戏说”、 “舞 说”、“伶说” 的这类文章, 以西方歌舞戏剧为借镜, 以今乐古乐之比较为框范, 辨析风靡中 国之戏乐于社会之损益。在这种双重的比较之中, 时人对于戏剧的认识 (什么是戏剧?它的 内在价值如何?等等)开始形成了一个新的轮廓。后来戏曲改良运动、王国维开创性的学术 工作以及新旧剧论争当中的很多观念及表述, 都可以在这里找见其肇始之声。而在这一过程 背后, 则是礼乐制度向现代文学建制转换的历史进程。 关键词:光绪初年;《申报》;戏剧论说;现代戏剧观念 中图分类 :J82             文献标识码:A Articles on Drama Published in Shen Bao at the Beginning of Kuang-hsu Period ———Investigation into Formation of Modern Drama Concepts Sun Bai Abstract :Based on Shen Bao (known in English as Shanghai News, was a newspaper published fro April 30, 1872 toMay 27, 1949in Shanghai, China)at the beginning ofKuang-hsu period in theQing Dynasty, this paper investigates public opinions of dra a in Shanghai at the ti e.Special cultural space in the concession not only creates the prosperity of Chinese and Western dra a perfor ances, but also provides a broad horizon for scholars to exchange opinions of dra a.With such na es as “On Dra a”, “On Dance”and“On Actors”, articles analyzed in this paper all argued about the influence of prevalent usic and plays on society by referring to Western usical dra as and co paringwith usicin the past. In these double co parisons, people of the ti e began to for a syste atic understanding of dra a (including questions like what is dra a ?What is the innervalue of dra a ?And so on)


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