外国交换学生入学申请书 - 研究发展处.doc

外国交换学生入学申请书 - 研究发展处.doc

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外国交换学生入学申请书 - 研究发展处

外國交換學生入學申請書 Application Form for Exchange Students 申請人須以中文正楷詳細逐項填寫一式兩份 TO THE APPLICANT: Read carefully, complete, and create a duplicate copy. Please type or print clearly. 申請人資料 Personal information 名/Given Name: 姓/Family Name: 中文姓名/Chinese Name: 國籍/Nationality: 出生日期/Date of Birth: 月/Month 日/Day 年/Year 性別/Sex: 男/M 女/F 婚姻狀態/Marital status: 單身/Single 已婚/Married 通訊處/Mailing Address: 電話/Phone No.: 電子郵件/Email Address: 緊急聯絡人姓名/Name of person to contact in case of emergency: 住址/Address: 電話/Phone No.: 與申請人之關係/Relationship to the applicant: 護照訊息/Passport information : 護照號碼/Passport No.: 發照日期/Date of Issue: 發照機構/Issuing Authority: 有效日期/Date of Expiration: 學歷 Educational Background 目前就讀大學名稱/Name of home institution: 主修科系/Major area of study: 輔系/Minor: 目前在學類別及年級/Current level of study at your home institution: □大學部/Bachelor 研究所/Master 博士班/Doctoral 幾年級/Which year: 2. 擬申請就讀之系(所)/ In which department or graduate institute do you expect to study at FGU? 3. 曾研究中文幾年/How many years have you been studying Chinese? 中國語文程度/ How would you evaluate your Chinese language proficiency? 聽 Listening 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 說 Speaking 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 讀 Reading 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor


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