水体中高锰酸盐指数的流动注射分析方法 - 环境监测管理与技术.pdf

水体中高锰酸盐指数的流动注射分析方法 - 环境监测管理与技术.pdf

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水体中高锰酸盐指数的流动注射分析方法 - 环境监测管理与技术

13 1 2001 2 #研究报告# , ( 河海大学环境水利科学研究所, 江苏 南京 210098) : , , , : ; ; ; :X 83012 :A : 1006- 2009(2001) 01- 0020- 04 Mobile-injection Method to Analyze Permanganate Index HONG Ling-cheng, CHENG Shu- ing ( Env i ronme ntal H ydra ul ic Col leg e, H ahai Un iv ers ity , N anj i ng , Jiangs u 210098, Chi na) Abstract: The mobile-injection method to analyze ermanganate index was researched. A new analysis method to determine ermanganate index w hich can be used for the fast and automatic on-line monitoring w as established with newly-develo ed a li- ance of the corrosion-resistant constant flow um , low-memory high-effect mixer and currency ool in w hich bubble w as ke t out, and through high tem erature and high ressure and short-time digesting time. Key words: Permanganate index; Mobile-injection; Analysis Method; On-line monitoring ( FIA ) ( [ 1] , , ) ; FIA ( , ) ; ( ) ; [ 2] ( ) ; COD , , , 7230 ( , ) 11112 KMnO : 3116 g , 1 L 4 , 200 mL , 200 mL 1 10 min, 500 mL 111 仪器与试剂 , 0102 mol/ L H SO : , 11111 2 4 HsP- 20 (


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