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Healing Garden 老年社区的景观设计 Landscape Design of Senior Living Communities (美)理查德. S. 罗森 撰文 / 摘 要:老年社区在21世纪得到了迅速的发展,其设计也变得越发复杂。主要介绍老年社区中3个特别案例,即克拉 (USA)Richard S. Rosen 伍德社区格伦麦尔老年公寓、维多利亚老年之家以及坎普希尔·根特老年公寓。这些项目是帕金斯伊士曼公司老年社 何一芾 胡肖肖 译 / 区工作的核心所在。旨在通过详细阐释为设计师们提供一定的指导和借鉴。希望具有设计和规划专长的风景园林师与 Translated by HE Yi-fei, HU Xiao-xiao 建筑师们携手,创建一个个生机勃勃、可持续发展的老年社区。 金荷仙 校 / 关 键 词:风景园林;持续照护养老社区;老年住宅;生活协助;漫步花园 Proofread by JIN He-xian 文章编号:1000-6664(2015)01-0035-06 中图分类号:TU 986 文献标志码:A 收稿日期:2014-12-02; 修回日期:2014-12-08 Abstract: The residences for seniors has developed significantly in this century, and the design has become increasingly sophisticated. This article mainly touches on three unique examples of senior living communities, namely Glenmere at Cloverwood, Victoria Home Replacement Facility and Camphill Ghent Elder Initiative, which represent the core of senior living work in Perkins Eastman. By describing in details, this article aims to provide ideas and guidance for the designers. It is anticipated that the planning and design expertise of landscape architects can work in concert with architects, to create vibrant, stimulating and sustainable campuses for senior living communities. Key words: landscape architecture; continuing care retirement community; senior housing; assisted living; wandering garden 1 老年住宅简史 集城区的住宅。体弱多病的老人们将会选择在 应的设施。不断爆发的运动和思潮影响了医疗 老年住宅设计在20


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