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提 要 目的:本研究旨在观察苏朴六君汤治疗脾虚气郁痰阻型胃食管反流病的临床疗 效,并运用中医理论对胃食管反流病的病因、病机和苏朴六君汤的疗效机制进行深入 的研究和探讨。 方法:在确立严格的诊断标准、纳入标准、排除标准和疗效评定标准的基础上, 采用随机、均衡、对照的原则,将70例合格受试对象分为试验组35例,给予自拟苏 朴六君汤,煎煮时加入生姜3片,二次水煎后混合得300ml,分早晚二次温服,日一 剂;对照组 35 例,给予奥美拉唑肠溶片 20mg/次,日 2 次,早晚空腹服用,并同时 给予多潘立酮(吗丁啉)片 10mg/次,日 3 次,三餐前 0.5 小时服用。以上两组患者 各服药1个月为一个疗程,将患者的症状、体征及胃镜检查做治疗前后和组间疗效观 察,共观察2个疗程。 结果:苏朴六君汤且具有健脾和胃开郁,理气降逆化痰的作用,能明显改善患者 的临床症状。试验组的总有效率达 91.43%,对照组的总有效率为 77.14%,两组疗效 经 Ridit 分析,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),提示试验组总疗效优于对照组。故 苏朴六君汤治疗脾虚气郁痰阻型胃食管反流病可以有效地缓解本疾病的临床症状,且 疗效确切、药性安全,具有较高的临床实用价值。 关键词: 苏朴六君汤;脾虚气郁痰阻;胃食管反流病;中医治疗;临床研究 Clinical Study on Su Pu Liu Jun Decoction in Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Speciality: Internal Medicine of TCM Author: Li Jiali Tutor: Prof.Wang Weiming Abstract Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the clinical efficacy on Su Pu Liu Jun Decoction in Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease , and try to discuss deeply the etiology and pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease and clarify the efficacy and mechanism of Su Pu Liu Jun Decoction by using the theory of TCM. Methods: In establishing the strict diagnostic criteria, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria and efficacy of assessment criteria, based on a random, balanced against the principle of 70 patients qualified as subjects 35 cases were divided into experimental group given Su Pu Liu Jun Decoction ; 35 cases were divided into control group treated with oral omeprazole tablets and domperidone tablets. Above two groups of patients symptoms, signs and gastroscopic examination were observed before and after treating between the two groups of patients.A course of treatment sustains 1 month with a observation of two courses and a total of 2 months. Results: Su Pu Liu Jun Decoction can obviously improve the clinical symptom



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