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提 要 目的:通过苦芩汤对高位单纯性肛瘘术后换药时创腔冲洗疗效的临床观察,研究 应用苦芩汤的作用机理和效果。 方法:本课题对符合纳入标准的高位单纯性肛瘘患者 60 例随机分为两组,每组 30 例,均采用肛瘘切开挂线术。术后治疗组用苦芩汤冲洗创腔,对照组用 0.9%氯化 钠注射液冲洗创腔,观察两组患者术后疼痛、分泌物、肛门功能、复发情况等,并对 以上指标量化评分。 结果:两组病例疗效无明显差异,但在术后疼痛、分泌物、愈合时间等方面,有 显著性差异,治疗组明显优于对照组。 结论:苦芩汤在高位单纯性肛瘘术后创腔换药时能明显减轻患者痛苦并缩短愈合 时间,对临床实践有一定的指导意义。 关键词 苦芩汤;高位单纯性肛瘘;术后创腔;临床观察 2 Clinical Observation on kuqin Decoction flush the invasive cavity in the Treatment of perch and simplex Anal fistula After surgery Speciality:Surgery of TCM Author:Han Minghong Tutor:Prof.Wang Lizhu Abstract Objective:Through the clinical research of the effectiveness in dressing changes which kuqin dectoction flush the invasive cavity of perch and simplex anal fistula after surgery .we demonstrate and study its mechanism and effect of action. Methods :We randomly divided the patients who meet inclusion criteria of perch and simplex anal fistula into two groups; each group has 30 people. Clinical observation on 60 cases treated by resectional threaddrawing therapy. Treatment group fiush the invasive cavity with the kuqin dectoction , the control group flush the invasive cavity with 0.9% normal saline. Observe two groups of patients postoperative pain and secretion , wound healing time , rectal function and recurrence , and the index above index quantification score. Results :Two groups of cases curative effect that no obvious difference. But afterwards, postoperative local complications and comfort degree of patients in two groups were appraised and compared,there were significant difference between two groups. It was clear better than routine treatment.



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