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提 要 目的:观察荆防蒺藜汤的临床疗效,探讨荆防蒺藜汤治疗慢性荨麻疹可能的作用 机理。方法:研究共分两部分。临床研究:将慢性荨麻疹患者 60 例,随机分为治疗 组、对照组各 30 例。治疗组内服荆防蒺藜汤,对照组内服氯雷他定颗粒,每周复诊 1 次,4 周为 1 个疗程,1 个疗程后观察结果。实验研究:观察荆防蒺藜汤对 4-AP 致 小鼠瘙痒及蛋清致大鼠足跖肿胀的影响。结果:治疗组总有效率 83.33%,对照组总 有效率 86.67%,两组比较差异无显著性(P >0.05 )。实验结果显示,荆防蒺藜汤有 减少小鼠瘙痒次数,抑制大鼠足跖肿胀的作用。结论:荆防蒺藜汤具有良好的抗过敏, 止痒,抑制组胺释放,抗炎的作用,治疗慢性荨麻疹疗效确切,复发率低,不良反应 轻微,值得临床推广应用。 关键词 荆防蒺藜汤;慢性荨麻疹;临床观察;实验研究 The Clinical Obserwation and Experimental Study for Treatment chronic urticaria with Jing-Tang Specialty:Dermatology,Surgery of TCM Author :Ziruli Tutor:Professor Zhang Xiaojie Abstract Objective: To investigate the Jing-Tang Tribulus terrestris the clinical efficacy of anti-Jing Tang Tribulus terrestris the treatment of chronic urticaria possible mechanism. Methods: The study is divided into two parts. Clinical research: 60 patients with chronic urticaria were randomly divided into treatment group and the control group of 30 cases. Oral treatment group Jing-Tang Tribulus terrestris, the control group for Loratadine Oral particles, a referral of the week, four weeks is a course of treatment, a course of treatment after observation. Experimental Study: To observe the anti-Jing Tang on Tribulus terrestris 4 - AP itching and egg white in mice induced by the impact of the foot swelling. Results: In the treatment group, the total efficiency of 83.33%, the control group, the total efficiency 86.67%, the two groups had no significant difference (P 0.05). Experimental results show that Jing-Tang Tribulus terrestris have anti-inflammatory, inhibiting the mast cells to release histamine role. Conclusion: Jing-Tang Tribulus terrestris has a good anti-allergic, anti-itching, inhibiting the release of histamine, anti-inflammatory role in the treatment of chronic urticaria is effective, low r



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