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戈特成人学习理论 ——Tom W. Goad * ?About the Author TOM W. GOAD (San Diego, CA) has thirty-five years of experience as a trainer and human resources development expert. He is widely published in the HR field, and is the author of the first edition of The First-Time Trainer . * About The First-Time Trainer A Step-By-Step Quick Guide for Managers, Supervisors,and New Training Professionals * Eight Steps to Effective Training 1 Step One: Facilitate learning ---努力促进学习 This element is the key to trainer success and includes how to implement the other seven steps. Step Two: Focus on performance ---重在提高业绩 Establish the objective of the training and keep on track—before you start. * Eight Steps to Effective Training 2 Step Three: Focus on learning ---精心组织学习 Make sure the training provides the maximum possibility for participant learning, with emphasis on how adults and organizations learn. Step Four: Be Prepared ---作好充分准备 Develop the materials you will need, bring them together in the most effective order and making sure everything is ready to go. * Eight Steps to Effective Training 3 Step Five: Deliver Effectively ---提高授课效率 Learn the communication skills you’ll need to present your training sessions successfully. Step Six: Get Learners Involved ---发动学员参与 Learn how to develop the best in all participants and different ways to deliver the training. * Eight Steps to Effective Training 4 Step Seven: Get Feedback ---获取信息反馈 Develop ways to determine training success. Step Eight: Improve Continuously ---不断改进提高 Keep an up-to-date trainers portfolio and strengthen existing training skills as a trainer. * 戈特的16条成人学习原理 1 1 成人是通过干而学的 2 运用实例 3 成人是通过与原有知识的联系、比较来学习的 4 在非正式的环境氛围中进行培训 5 增添多样性 6 消除恐惧心理 7 做一个推动学习的促进者 8 明确学习目标 * 戈特的16条成人学习原理 2 9 反复实践,熟能生巧 10 引导启发式的学习 11 给予信息反馈 12 循序渐进,交叉训练 13 培训活动应紧扣学习目标 14 良好的初始印象能吸引学员的注意力 15 要有激情 16 重复学习,加深记忆 * 学习原理在企业培训中的应用—培训原则 在企业培训中,学员的学习主要分为三类: 知识学习(认识能力学习):类似于言语信息的学习,要求运用知识进行脑力活动。 技能学习(肌肉性或精神性运动技能学习):类似于智力技能和运动技能


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