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美好家居: 办公室物语: 处世之道: 便民活页: 流行热点: 丽人行: Sweet Home Office Talk Life Skills At Your Service What’s On Pretty Woman continue * B. 意译 时尚男女: 衣橱精选: 时尚人物: 明星穿衣: 男人心事: 自助旅游: 我的理财观: 美人计: Say You, Say Me Best Gets Profile Vanity Wear All About Men Back Packer My Money Beauty Tips * Assignment Finish exercise 7 and hand in the typed pages next week; Read CANKAOXIAOXI, choose one piece of news and search for the source text, and see whether it has been edited or summarized. * 无忧PPT整理发布 新闻中的修辞及翻译 Nov. 11 * 修辞在新闻中的作用 鲁迅说:“作文的人,因为不能修辞就不能达意。” 新闻中的修辞能: 1)有助于增强报道的生动性、可读性和现场感; 2)有助于传情,委婉地表达记者的“意见”和“立场”。 3)有助于“达意”。 * 新闻报道中常用的修辞手段主要包括押韵、比喻、双关、夸张、借用典故、成语等。 * 1. 音韵 音韵修辞格(phonetic rhetoric) 头韵 alliteration 元韵 assonance 辅韵 consonance 尾韵 end rhyme 拟声 onomatopoeia * Examples 1. China’ s cities, after decades of bolted doors and barred window, are suddenly being opened to sweeping changes. 中国的城市,在经过几十年门窗紧闭之后,突然开放,迎来了全面改革。 * 2. To many parents, the three Gs—gays, guys and gangs—have replaced the three Rs (reading, writing and ‘rithmetic) as benchmarks of school life. 对于许多父母来说,同性恋、枪支、帮派这3个词意见代替了读、写、算作为学校的基准尺度。 * 3. Splashy and Stylish 4. Threat for the feet, If you don’t eat meat * 5. Tom Carvel, 84, the ice-cream tycoon whose voice—a near-indescribable mix of grumble, mumble, rasp and gasp—peddled his company’s wares in radio and TV ads for 35 years, died in his sleep in Pine Plains, N.Y., Oct. 21. 嘟嘟囔囔、咕哝咕哝、嘎擦嘎擦、扑哧扑哧 * 2. 比喻 simile metaphor e.g. 1. Unchecked violence has already dulled the luster of the Big Apple. The daunting task before its leaders is to prevent it from rotting to the core. 肆无忌惮的暴力犯罪以及使绰号为大苹果的纽约黯淡无光了。领导人面临的令人气馁的任务是防止它腐烂穿心。 * 2. Our Love Affair with Cars 我们的汽车情结 3. Refer to textbook unit 3 * 3. 双关(Pun) 谐音双关 homophonic pun 词义双关 homographic pun * 谐音双关 Only half of Poles go to polls Eiffel Eyeful Tick, Tock, Tick…Talk * 词义双关 4. make you sweat (photo) 5. Climbers hold summit talks 峰顶会谈 6. I finally fi


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