双语资讯:微信用户突破5亿 问鼎世界最大社交应用之一.docx

双语资讯:微信用户突破5亿 问鼎世界最大社交应用之一.docx

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双语资讯:微信用户突破5亿 问鼎世界最大社交应用之一

WeChat, the Chinese social media smartphone app, saw an increase in user numbers of 41 per cent year on year to 500m at the end of 2014, in a sign that parent company Tencent is extending its reach for the mobile internet. 2014年底,微信(WeChat)用户数量同比增长41%,至5亿人,突显推出这款中国社交媒体智能手机应用的腾讯(Tencent)在移动互联网领域扩大地盘。Tencent made the announcement on Wednesday, as it reported results that missed analysts’ forecasts. Fourth-quarter net profits were up 51 per cent year on year and net income for the quarter ending December increased to Rmb5.95bn. 腾讯是在周三发布财报时宣布上述消息的,财报中的业绩低于分析师此前的预期。2014年第四季度净利润同比增长51%,至59.5亿元人民币。Analysts had estimated net income would be Rmb6.26bn, according to a Reuters poll but performance was weighed down by the costs of content deals with the likes of HBO and the US National Basketball Association. 路透社(Reuters)调查显示,分析师此前预计该季度净利润将为62.6亿元人民币,但腾讯与美国家庭电影频道(HBO)和美国全国篮球协会(US National Basketball Association)等机构达成内容协议的花费拉低了业绩。Revenue grew 24 per cent to Rmb20.98bn, slightly higher than forecasts, driven mainly by online gaming revenues. 2014年末季营收同比增长24%,至209.8亿元人民币,略高于预期,主要推动因素是在线游戏收入。It is unclear how much WeChat contributed to Tencent’s revenues but the app’s growth is a strong indicator of the company’s long-term health as it tries to adjust its business to be more suitable for mobile devices. 尚不清楚微信对腾讯的营收做出了多少贡献,但这款应用的增长是该公司长期前景良好的强有力指标。腾讯正努力使其业务更适合移动设备。 “We extended our leadership in games and online media, and made breakthroughs in emerging platforms such as online security?.?.?.?and mobile payments,” Ma Huateng, Tencent chairman, said in a statement. 腾讯董事长马化腾在一份声明中表示:“我们在游戏和在线媒体领域扩大了领先优势,在网络安全……和移动支付等新兴平台上取得了突破。”WeChat is the second highest ranked app in China, behind QQ, Tencent’s other chatting app, which claimed to have 815m registered monthly users at the end of 2014. However, that figure is more than the total number of internet users in China, which the government puts at 649m. 微信是中国排名第二的应用,仅次于腾讯的另一款聊天软件QQ,后者据称在2014年底有8.15亿月活跃账户。然而,这个数字比中国网民总数还要多,后者的官方数据是6.49亿人。


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