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深層重力變形邊坡微地動特性探討 The Characteristics of Deep-Seated Gravitational Deformation and Sliding Body Micro Tremors 1 1 1 T.Y. Chen, B.C. Lo, T.T. Wang Deep-seated gravitational deformation range is huge, the magnitude of deformation of the short term is not obvious that the investigation is not easy; however such acceleration slope, once in motion, is likely to lead to rapid change in the formula landslides, causing a maj or disaster. How to investigate the existence and scope of deep-seated gravitational deformation are the key proj ects of slope disaster prevention. In this study in Southeast Taiwan after a detailed investigation and d deep-seated gravitational deformation as a case study, measurement and analysis of its micro-earthquake characteristic amplitude and energy of different frequencies to provide a survey of potential sliding Interpretable boundary of reference for many years to monitor confirmed . The case study of slope has a road tunnel crossing, according to the confirmation slip boundary at different locations inside and outside the tunnel and the sliding body, a series of microtremors FFT m easur in g op er ation , u sin g Fast Four ier tr an sform (FFT) spectrum analysis of microtremors in different directions, and HVSR compare with single station horizontal and vertical spectral ratio (HVSR). The results show, the outer boundary slope slip case, single HVSR station HVSR amplification band was significant


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