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13 3 Vo l. 13 No . 3
200 6 6 Research of So il and Water Co nserv atio n J un . , 2006
) ) ) 以辽宁西部低山丘陵区为例
王秋兵, 韩春兰, 丁玉荣, 贾树海, 黄 毅, 唐耀先
( , 110 16 1)
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S 157 A 1005- 3409( 2006) 03- 0111- 04
Study on the Soil Erosion Criteri on Used for Large Scale Soil Investigation
) ) ) A Case Study in L ow M iddle M ountain an d H ill
A r ea of Wester n P art of L iaon ing P r ovince
WA N G Q iu- bing, H A N Chun- lan , D IN G Y u- rong, J IA Shu- hai, H U A N G Y i, T A N G Y ao- x ian
( L and and E nv ir onment Colleg e of Sheny ang A g r ic ul tur al Un iv er sity , Sheny ang 110 16 1, China)
Abstract:U p to now t he research in the diff erentiation cr iterion o f soil erosio n su ited f or larg e- scale soil investig ation w as seldo m
car ried out in China. T he cur rent diff erentiat ion cr iter ion o f soil erosion degr ee w as diff icultly used in pr act ice and could not eff i-
ciently g uide land u se. Based on the f ield investig atio n r esult s, three typ es o f soil p arent m at erial s, w hich w er e t he dom inant f ac-
to rs o f cau sing v ariat ion of soil qu ality and soil ero sion ch aracter istics in low mount ain and hill ar ea o f w estern pa rt of L iaoning
Pr ovince, w er e classif ied. A diff erentiatio n cr iter ion sy stem of soil erosion su ited f o r lar ge- scale so il inv est igat ion in the ar ea w as
established , accor ding to the diff er ent typ es o f soil par ent m aterials . T he diff erentiat ion cr iter ion sy stem of so il er osion estab-