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Table manners France bogey seven
Many people eat at Western, will worry “impolite.” In fact, the so-called table manners is to enable the meal to meal without hindrance and destruction, and the smooth flow of useful code of conduct. Bear in mind that “neat, clean and quiet,” the three principles and to be no disadvantage.
Agreed to invite the other side of the post-interim, if something happens to be late or canceled appointments, to provide advance notice to the other side. Later to attend the meeting when it is acceptable, but more than 15 minutes to the other side will not dating importance of the bad impression. In order to select thEir own when they want to eat food all over the menu to see if there is no idea, can you please recommend a restaurant waiter for signs of food, but to give clear that if the want to eat seafood, do not eat red Such as meat, bear in mind that everything is indecisive, apart from saying “Yes, but (not worth)” will only add to the guests the same trouble. To eat a lot of attention to details, but the fact is most of the day-to-day rituals, as long as remain calm and not big move, no sound or hinder other people’s meals if already qualified.
1, the most basic principles of the tableware used by outside to inside, the completion of a post-serve dishes close to the tableware, as necessary, or will make up another knife and fork.
2, when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece. Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.
3, if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips Didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate. The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.
4, encountered a class of beans or rice for garnish, you can fork left hand of horizontal ones on the disc, up a sharp fork, knife and then to the r
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