
世界经济情况(World economic situation).doc

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世界经济情况(World economic situation)

世界经济情况(World economic situation) In 2012, Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) was 519322 yuan, according to the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in 2012, the average price of 6years, Chinas GDP was 82622 US dollars, and the per capita GDP reached 6102 U. S. dollars. Chinese GDP to the United States GDP 52.8%, for the first time more than half, China GDP has been close to the European Defaying three sum. Since China surpassed Japan in 2010, the gap between China and Japan has been expanding. In 2012, China surpassed Japans 2 trillion and 278 billion US dollars, and the gap will continue to increase in the future in. From the list, many countries GDP growth rate is positive, but the actual dollar GDP declined, this is because their currencies against the dollar depreciated, 2012, India rupee against the dollar by 21%, Brazils 14% against the dollar. In 2012, the world GDP ranking (final update date: March 24, 2013, the following data for statistical initial value, and then will be further updated) World- EU1, the United States: 15 trillion and 426 billion 500 million U.S. dollars, GDP growth rate of 2.2% 2, China: $8 trillion and 262 billion 200 million, GDP growth rate of 7.8% (Greater China total $90428) 3, Japan: $5 trillion and 963 billion 900 million, GDP growth rate of 0.9% 4, Germany: $3 trillion and 357 billion 200 million, GDP growth rate of 0.7% 5, France: $2 trillion and 571 billion 500 million, GDP growth rate of 0.2% 6, the United Kingdom: 2 trillion and 397 billion 300 million U.S. dollars, GDP growth rate of 0.2% 7, Brazil: $2 trillion and 149 billion 100 million, GDP growth rate of 0.9% 8, Italy: $1 trillion and 987 billion 300 million, GDP growth rate of -2.2% 9, Russia: $1 trillion and 804 billion 600 million, GDP growth rate of 3.4% 10, Canada: $1 trillion and 752 billion, GDP growth rate of 1.9% 11, India: $1 trillion and 676 billion 400 million, GDP growth rate of 5% 12, Australia: $1 trillion and 538 billion


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