
使用VC创建漂亮的图形用户界面应用程序(Using VC to create beautiful graphical user interface applications).doc

使用VC创建漂亮的图形用户界面应用程序(Using VC to create beautiful graphical user interface applications).doc

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使用VC创建漂亮的图形用户界面应用程序(Using VC to create beautiful graphical user interface applications)

使用VC创建漂亮的图形用户界面应用程序(Using VC to create beautiful graphical user interface applications) Using VC to create beautiful graphical user interface applications Author: Liu Huidan August 30, 2005 Front Front and front Preface Speak and speak: :: according to the authors work, the data collected from the Internet are collected and processed A. 1 base Basic radical Books and books Function of work and work Can energy This section includes a nice graphical user interface implementation. 1.1 Build up Li Li Li Engineering work Chengchengcheng First of all, build executable application program based on dialog box in VC, named demo. 1.2 quasi Quasi quasi preparation Reserve Engineer Engineering work Do as In the main form dialog box properties, cancel Title The bar property removes the dialog box title bar. Window in dialog box Inside, add the individual control instances shown in figure 1. The Edit control on the right side is set to read-only. Sets the mapping variables for the two Edit, Slider, and progress bars, and in the CDemoDlg:: OnInitDialog () letter Set initial value in number. As shown in figure 2. 1.3. Setting up Set back Back background Scene map Tutu pictures Patches Use graphics software to create a favorite picture, save as bitmap file back.bmp, as shown in figure 3. Note that the picture you want to make is the same as the form of the dialog box. In this case, the size of the picture is (380px, 260px), The background color is RGB (127), 169, 255). Copy this bitmap file into the res folder and import it into the project. Set ID to IDB BACKBMP, Add protected member variables CBitmap for the CDemoDlg class M Back, and in CDemoDlg:: OnInitDialog () letter Add the following code: Figure 1: Application Layout layout, Tutu 1: application control layout chart 2: mapping variable diagram One M_back.LoadBitmap (IDB_BACKBMP); Two / / set the window area Three CRgn Rgn; Four Rgn.CreateRoundRectRgn (3,3384264,20,20); Five SetWindowRgn (RGN, TRUE); Two chart


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