
卫生统计学名词解释(Explanation of the term of Health Statistics).doc

卫生统计学名词解释(Explanation of the term of Health Statistics).doc

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卫生统计学名词解释(Explanation of the term of Health Statistics)

卫生统计学名词解释(Explanation of the term of Health Statistics) 1. Sampling error: the variation of sample statistics and total parameters caused by sampling is called individual variation. 2, standard error: the standard deviation of the sample statistics is called standard error. 3, the standard error mean: standard error of mean standard deviation of mean (also known as SEM), which reflect the degree of the discrete sample mean, sample mean and also reflects the difference between the corresponding population mean, so that the average size of sampling error. 4, u distribution: if a random variable X to the overall mean for V, the overall standard deviation of normal distribution N (V, sigma sigma 2), through the U transform (X-u / a) can be transformed into the general normal distribution normal distribution N (0,1 2), u distribution. 5, t distribution: in actual work, the sigma -X unknown, replaced by S-X, -X- V / S-X no longer obey standard normal distribution, and t distribution. 6 、 confidence interval: the interval estimation range that contains the population mean determined by the given probability (1-). The exact implication is that if repeated sampling experiments can be carried out, an average confidence interval of 1- alpha (e.g. 95%) is included The overall mean, rather than the population, is accounted for in the confidence interval. 7, hypothesis testing: also known as significance test, is the use of small probability rebuttal thinking, from the opposite of the problem (Ho), indirectly determine the problem to be solved (H1) is established. Then the test statistic is computed under the condition that Ho is established, and finally the P value is obtained to judge. 8, type 1 error: rejected the actual establishment of the Ho, this kind of abandon the real error called. Type II error: acceptance does not actually hold the Ho, so the false error is called. 9, test efficiency: 1- beta, that is, grip refers to when the two overall difference, according to the s



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