
宽带小区及校园网以及adsl常见拨号问题(二)(Broadband residential and campus networks and ADSL common dialing problems (two)).doc

宽带小区及校园网以及adsl常见拨号问题(二)(Broadband residential and campus networks and ADSL common dialing problems (two)).doc

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宽带小区及校园网以及adsl常见拨号问题(二)(Broadband residential and campus networks and ADSL common dialing problems (two))

宽带小区及校园网以及adsl常见拨号问题(二)(Broadband residential and campus networks and ADSL common dialing problems (two)) Broadband residential and campus networks and ADSL common dialing problems (two) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 641, the server cannot allocate the NetBIOS resources needed to support the client. Ask the system administrator to increase the resource capacity of the remote access server, or to stop some unimportant services, such as messenger service and network DDE. 642 an NetBIOS name of the computer has been registered on the remote network. Another computer of the same name has landed on a remote network. Each computer in the network must register with a unique name. Verify the following items: 1 、 the computer with the same name as your computer is not located in the network you are connecting to. 2, the computer is not physically connected to the network being tried to connect to. 643, the servers network card is out of order. Please report this error to your system administrator. 644 you will not be able to receive network pop-up messages. Another computer that is connected to the network is using your computer name. Messages sent to you are sent to the computer. If you want to receive messages from the remote workstation, you must remember to log off your office computer before you next dial the network. This error does not affect messages sent by outlook, outlook, express, or exchange. 645 internal authentication error occurred. An internal error has occurred. Restart the computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes are effective. 646 this account is not allowed to logon at this time. Configure accounts to restrict access to the network. If you need to access the network at different times of the day (rather than the current configuration), ask the system administrator to change settings. 647 this account is disabled. User account is disabled. This could be due to repeated failed attempts t


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