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数据结构 c++程序 15个程序代码(Data structure c++ program, 15 program code)
1. keyboard input, any integer, output integer digits and the sum of your figures.
Using namespace std;
Int, main ()
Int, N, I, j;
I=1; j=n%10;
While (n/100)
Cout = digit integer iendl;
Cout digits and = jendl;
Return 0;
2. for the roots of quadratic equation with one unknown.
Using namespace std;
Int, main ()
Int, a, B, C, d;
Cout enter three integers a, B, C, endl;
If (a==0)
Cout enter an error. Please re-enter a, B, C, endl;
Else if (d==0)
Cout the equation has two identical real roots, endl;
Cout X1=X2= float (-b) / (2*a) endl;
Else if (d0)
Cout the equation has two distinct real roots, endl;
Cout X1=, float ((-b+sqrt (d))) / (2*a) endl;
Cout X2=, float ((-b-sqrt (d))) / (2*a) endl;
{cout equations with two different imaginary endl;
Cout X1=, float (-b) / (2*a), +, float (sqrt (-d)) / (2*a), I, endl, ;
Cout X2=, float (-b) / (2*a), -, float (sqrt (-d)) / (2*a), I, endl, ;
Return 0;
3. enter an integer, determine whether it can be divisible by 3,5,7, and output one of the following information:
(1) can also be divided by 3,5,7;
(2) can be the number two (to which two points);
(3) divisible by one of the numbers (which one is to point out);
(4) 3,5,7 can not be divisible by any.
---------------------------------------------------- (1) --------------------------------------------------
Using namespace std;
Int, main ()
Int a;
Cout please enter an integer endl;
If (a%3==0)
{cout this integer can be divisible by 3, endl;
If (a%5==0) {
Cout this integer can be divisible
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