
数据结构c语言版_拓扑排序(C language version of the data structure _ topological sorting).doc

数据结构c语言版_拓扑排序(C language version of the data structure _ topological sorting).doc

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数据结构c语言版_拓扑排序(C language version of the data structure _ topological sorting)

数据结构c语言版_拓扑排序(C language version of the data structure _ topological sorting) * Data structure, C language version, topological sort P182 Compile environment: Dev-C++ Date: February 15, 2011 * / #include stdio.h #include malloc.h Have / / output to a topological map of sequence. Algorithm 7.12 procedures / / the adjacency table storage representation #define MAX_NAME / / 3 vertices of the maximum length of a string +1 #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 Typedef int InfoType; / / store network weights Typedef char VertexType[MAX_NAME]; / / string type Typedef enum{DG, DN, AG, AN}GraphKind; / / {directed graph, directed, undirected graph, undirected network} Typedef struct ArcNode { Int adjvex; / / the arc at the vertex position Struct ArcNode *nextarc; / / pointer to an arc InfoType *info; / / pointer) net weight }ArcNode; / / table node Typedef struct VNode { VertexType data; / / vertex information ArcNode *firstarc; / / the first table node address pointer to the first attachment of the vertex of arc }VNode, AdjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; / / head Typedef struct { AdjList vertices; Int vexnum, arcnum; / / the graph vertices and arcs Int kind; / / symbol graph type }ALGraph; If the u in the G / / vertex, returns the vertex position in the graph; otherwise it returns -1. Int LocateVex (ALGraph, G, VertexType, U) { Int i; For (i=0; iG.vexnum; ++i) If (StrCmp (U, G.vertices[i].data) ==0) Return i; Return -1; } / / the adjacency list storage structure, no structural information related to the G (4 kinds of graphs with a function). Int CreateGraph (ALGraph *G) { Int, I, J, k; Int w; / / weight VertexType, VA, vb; ArcNode *p; Printf (enter the type of graph (digraph: 0, directed network: 1, undirected graph: 2, undirected network: 3).); Scanf (%d, (*G).Kind); Printf (enter the number of vertices and the number of edges: (spaces) \n); Scanf (%d%d, (*G).Vexnum, (*G).Arcnum; Printf (enter the value of%d vertices (%d characters): \n, (*G).Vexnum, MAX_NAME); For (I = 0; I .Vexnum


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