
液晶显示控制器sed1335在单片机系统中的应用(Application of liquid crystal display controller SED1335 in single chip microcomputer system).doc

液晶显示控制器sed1335在单片机系统中的应用(Application of liquid crystal display controller SED1335 in single chip microcomputer system).doc

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液晶显示控制器sed1335在单片机系统中的应用(Application of liquid crystal display controller SED1335 in single chip microcomputer system)

液晶显示控制器sed1335在单片机系统中的应用(Application of liquid crystal display controller SED1335 in single chip microcomputer system) Preface to the eleventh issue of Chinese medical equipment, Vol. second, ChinaMedicalEquipment2005NovemberVol.2NO.11, November 2005 The CMS PG968DBCW N dot matrix graphic solution of Hongkong Xinli company The crystal display module is composed of large screen LCD liquid crystal display SED1335 control implement CCFL backlight inverter and the display driver DC-DC power supply part four group become . It is a similar compared to the liquid crystal display module , Have a large amount of display information , bright A high degree of , Micropower , Small volume , Light quality , Ultra-thin and many other advantages , Move in communication , Instruments and Apparatuses , Electronic equipment , The household appliances is very Wide range of uses . The following is a CMS - PG968DBCW - N radar LCD controller SED1335 Application in MCU system ApplicationofLiquidcrystaldisplaycontrollerSED1335insiglechipsystem Mu flight , (Yong The Second Artillery General Hospital Department of medical engineering ; Beijing 100088) Article number (2005) 114403. CLC number [TP] Document identifier [B] abstract ] Design practice through a human life parameter detection system , A detailed description of the use of C8051F120 microcontroller and The liquid crystal display module CMSPG968DBCWN soft hardware design mixed graphics and text display . At the same time gives CMS PG968DBCWN LCD module and microcontroller hardware connection circuit and part of the program code . [ Key word ] Singlechip SED1335 controller; ; The liquid crystal display Abstract:Throughthedesignpracticeofalifedetectingsystemofhumanbody, Thesoftwareandhardwaredesignmethod, WhichmakesuseofC8051F120siglechipandCMSPG968DBCWNLCDtodisplaygraphandtextatthesametime, is Introducedindetail.MeanwhilethehardwareconnectingcircuitofCMSPG968DBCWNLCDandsinglechipandthepartial Programcodearegivenhere. 关键词:单片机



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