
现代大学英语精读3第10课答案及翻译(The answers and translation of Modern College English Intensive Reading 3 and tenth).doc

现代大学英语精读3第10课答案及翻译(The answers and translation of Modern College English Intensive Reading 3 and tenth).doc

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现代大学英语精读3第10课答案及翻译(The answers and translation of Modern College English Intensive Reading 3 and tenth)

现代大学英语精读3第10课答案及翻译(The answers and translation of Modern College English Intensive Reading 3 and tenth) 课前工作 1)给出下列名词。 (1)征服(5)阻塞/阻塞(9)转换 (2)狂笑(6)约束(10)居住 (3)讽刺(7)奉承(11)复杂性 (4)仿真(8)采购(12)慷慨 2)给出下列动词。 (1)询问(4)储存(7)好评 (2)蹲下(5)灭亡(8)精心制作。 (3)出汗(6)加强 更多关于课文二词汇的工作 1。 7)从汉语到英语。 (1)搔对方的背(9)来居住在那个岛上。 (2)与该国做生意(10)欣赏thei_r勇气 (3)出版或灭亡。(11)玩忽职守。 (4)建立一种新的宗教(12)以逃避后果。 (5)将人民币兑换成外币(13)将其从记忆中抹去。 (6)寻求真理。(14)命令 (7)抛弃旧的传统(15)阻挡自己的道路。 (8)讽刺人的虚荣(16)毁掉一个人的名声 2)从英语到汉语。 (1)年久失修的防御工事(8 当前的风云人物 (2)(美国历史上的)擅自占用土地的人(9)英雄人物 所搭的我艋时简陋房子,(10)一种带有历史使命感的神态 (3)(11)看人时如火一般的眼光储物缸。 (4)(12)战争引起的恐慌容易变质的商品 (5)(13)如雨点一般的石头社会习俗 (6)摇摇晃晃,头重脚轻的酒鬼(14)--/B撮捣乱分子 (7)隐士住的山洞 2。 1)同义词。 (1)狂(9)得到的,得到的,要acquirei买, (2)不够的;很少购买的 (4)生活(11)抹去。 (6)改变(13)以控制、限制 (7)(宗教)信仰、教义、教条(14)紧张地笑,轻声地笑, (8)主要是傻笑,咯咯笑。 2)给反义词 (1) and (3) true (5) simplicity (7) simply (2) drunk (4) discontented (6) covered (8) cheaply (9) the real natural (10) passing, transitory, short lived (11) unconventional (12) economy, miserliness, stinginess 3. 1) how do you account for his strange behavior. 2) lets form a circle so that we can see each other when we talk. 3) he appointed five people to handle the case. 4) she claims to possess an unusual ability - the ability to cure diseases simply by her. Magic hand. (5) in the story, this evil spirit often appeared in the form of a pretty lady. 6) where can I get a roll of film. 7) he rolled up the painting and said that he wouldnt part with it for anything less than Half a million. 8) the woman lawyer has been recently appointed to the Supreme Court. 9) poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate. 10) the big stone suddenly rolled down the hill. 11) he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled. 12) let s roll up our sleeves and start working... 13) he hoped that he would be appointed (as) the deputy general manager. 14) just give us a brief account of what actually happened. 15) the police found a lot of valuables in his possession which he could not account for. 16) our two countrie



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