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重装机兵小攻略(Heavy machine Raiders)
重装机兵小攻略(Heavy machine Raiders)
After the game starts, first gives the leading role to have a satisfactory name, certainly can only be English adds the numeral. 1, Colorado town Raiders were out of the house after Dad, first to deposit the towel (now not saved), and then at a vending machine next to buy four ginseng pills and two grenades (your 50G only enough to buy these), have the opportunity to record office rewards oh also there is a vending machine of a kind, the prize is fire bottle. Then go to the record at the left to make a game record. Then you can go out of town. Wow! What a wonderful world outside! Pull around the town will encounter giant ants, killing insects, fire guns, bionic snails, cannon, biological artillery and other monsters, first use slingshot to play little monsters, earn some experience (EXP) and G. HP less, you can go home and talk to my sister after sleep, and if too far away from the town, afraid to go back, then use the pill to supplement HP. After one or two, your HP, attack, defense, speed, stamina, fighting, intelligence, and so forth will be greatly improved, so that you can go to the North cave of the town. Pull out of town, along the edge of the mountain clockwise direction, there is a cave in Colorado town north, into the hole, or along the clockwise direction, there is a hole in the end, down to the two floor underground go to the upper left corner, there is a box, investigation, will get a shotgun, equipment Hey! Little monsters are no match for you. Return to the original road, from Colorado town south, there was a big hole, after the account has been left to go to the two floor underground, go on, go to the right, then down, go to the left, in the end will encounter the dogs of war, after the dialogue about defense (HP greater than 30, if your HP is greater than 60, can also be attacked, but not what role, the second round will appear red wolf) help you to kill wolves and dogs of war, talking to you after you get the NO.1 tan
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