
为战略定位正名(Name for strategic positioning).doc

为战略定位正名(Name for strategic positioning).doc

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为战略定位正名(Name for strategic positioning)

为战略定位正名(Name for strategic positioning) Why are Traut or Potter wrong? Primer The term strategic positioning is becoming more and more popular, but it has been confined to marketing positioning and product positioning. It is not a strategic concept in the real sense, and lacks a clear definition. As we all know, location is derived from the field of communication. In 1969, Jack Trout and Amy Rees pioneered the concept of positioning themselves in the minds of prospective clients to succeed in a society that is flooded with information and over spread. Later, Kotler introduced the positioning to the marketing field: planning the companys offerings and images so as to occupy a unique and valuable position in the minds of the target consumers. In 1980, Michael Potter will be the introduction of strategic positioning? Areas: as the core strategy, strategic positioning is the essence of different competitors and operational activities; according to the product category, customer demand and contact way is different, the enterprise can establish the corresponding positioning point. In 1986, Trout published a book entitled war of business, which guides enterprises on how to establish effective and unique operational activities for their competitors, including offensive, flank, guerrilla and defensive warfare, four major tactics. Inspired by the society to itself and the theory of Potter of the cold, in recent years, Trout will be targeting strategic consulting is almost synonymous with McKinsey Co, and the theoretical and zhichuo weakness: the operational benefit of alternative strategies to replace competitive benchmarking. The criticism is critical, many industry of applause. But it should be said that the positioning theory of Trout and Potter is clearly limited to the level of competitive strategy, and they still talk about operation activities, and it is difficult to answer and solve the strategic direction of enterprises. Because of this, McKinseys thinking was able t



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