
五大销售技巧和话术(Five sales techniques and techniques).doc

五大销售技巧和话术(Five sales techniques and techniques).doc

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五大销售技巧和话术(Five sales techniques and techniques)

五大销售技巧和话术(Five sales techniques and techniques) In America, there is a well-known store in the retail business. Its the Christian store created by manet. Peng Naichang said, a set of one hundred thousand yuan of goods to the customer and a customer to buy one yuan salad sauce, although far in amount, they expect the same to the owner of the goods, it is hoped that the genuine goods at a fair price. Peng Nais real explanation is not cheap and fine, but what price to buy what goods?. Soon after Chennais first retail store opened, one day a middle-aged man came to the store to buy a whisk. The clerk asked, Sir, do you want something better, or do you want it a little bit longer? the man listened to some displeasure. Of course, its a good one, a bad one. Who wants it? The clerk showed him the Dover egg whisk. The man asked, is this the best? Yes, and the oldest one.. How much is it? 120 yuan.. What? Why is it so expensive? Ive heard that the best is only tens.. Tens of dollars, we also have, but that is not the best.. But not so bad, so much money!! The difference is not much, there are more than ten yuan a one?. The man listened to the clerks words, immediately face unhappy color, want to immediately turn around to leave. Peng hurried to the past and said to the man, Sir, you want to buy the egg maker, dont I? Ill introduce you to a good product.. The man seemed interested again and asked, what kind? Peng Nai took out another brand of egg whisk, and said, thats the kind. Please have a look. Is the style good? How much is it? 54 yuan.. According to your clerks words, this is not the best. I dont want it.. My clerk didnt make it clear. There are several brands of egg whisk. Each brand has the best kind. The one Ive just come out with is the best of all.. But why is Dover so much less expensive? Thats the relationship between manufacturing costs. Each brands machine structure is different, the materials used are different, so the price will be different. As for the Dover



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