
使命召唤8现代战争3剧情(Call of Duty 8 modern warfare 3 scenarios).doc

使命召唤8现代战争3剧情(Call of Duty 8 modern warfare 3 scenarios).doc

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使命召唤8现代战争3剧情(Call of Duty 8 modern warfare 3 scenarios)

使命召唤8现代战争3剧情(Call of Duty 8 modern warfare 3 scenarios) In response to the threat of EA/DICE, and strive to create a series of CoD entertainment works record sales, Activision Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software together, to create the ultimate CoD works -- Modern Warfare 3. Kotaku according to the obtained reports that the IW will inherit the creation technique, game scene across several continents, a total of more than ten famous city; role is complicated, people can know all kinds of special forces took turns to run: SAS SAS, seal team six, Delta, the Russian security council...... From infantry to AC-130; occupation gunner to tank gunner, every feature hot and refreshing. The game before undertaking a powerful and unconstrained style like story (MW2, a dabaozhang point forward), built in 15 missions, beginning with the Russian invasion of Manhattan, Dubai to the end of the war. The games single story will open up the mysteries left in the top two, end the fate of each character, and introduce two new roles: the Frost from the delta army and the Sandman. It is said that a stand-alone scenario will involve the following locations: India - Dharamsala - New York, USA Washington, D.C. - Russian presidential special plane Sierra Leone town - London, England - Somalia, Muqdisho Hamburg, Germany - Paris, France - Czech, Prague - a castle in the mountains of Czech - Berlin, Germany Moscow - the Kremlin - Dubai, UAE The degree of blood into the sky the plot is as follows (spoiler alert): First as a game player named Yuri (Yuri) Nicola (Nikolai) supporters, they are located in India Dharamsala safe house by Makarov (Makarov) were found, and they escape by helicopter. The lens of a turn, the Russian army was along the Hudson River to attack Manhattan, the United States called members of the delta force play the game player, the interference brought the New York stock exchange tower destroyed the roof, preparing for the upcoming offensive. Game player to pla



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