
兔子的语言表达(The language of rabbits).doc

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兔子的语言表达(The language of rabbits)

兔子的语言表达(The language of rabbits) The expression of this language ^ ^ ^ ^ u 1. coo Grunting Usually dissatisfied with the hosts behavior or towards another rabbit. Growling represents the bunny is not satisfied, angry. For example, bunny does not love others to hold it to touch it, will send growling. If you dont stop doing this, you might get bitten. 2. jet Sniffing The jet sound bunny that something or some representative action to make it feel threatened. At this point, if you dont stop doing it, you might get bitten. 3. scream Screaming Bunny screams and humans, usually on behalf of fear or pain. If the rabbit suddenly heard a scream, we should pay more attention to the master immediately, because it may hurt bunny. 4. molar sounds Tooth, Grinding (1) loud molar Loud Grinding On behalf of the rabbit feels pain, with a look at the best Bunny pet doctor. (2) lightly molar Soft Grinding; Very glad to meet representatives of the rabbit. When the rabbit light force molar sound, touch the rabbit chin, can feel the molar in friction. Usually at this time of rabbit eyes in half open. 5. Teeth Chattering/ Crunching When the rabbit teeth rattled and sound, is the representative of pain. This will generally sit up and bend the rabbit ears back close to the body. 6. whining Purring Like a cat, bunny will meet purring. But the rabbit and cat cat is different with the throat to sound, but is used to sound rabbit teeth. 7. hiss Hissing Bunny usually hissed on another rabbit will. The hiss represents a counter attack warning, mainly by telling another rabbit not to come, or it will attack. 8. estrus cry Honking The cry of estrus is different from that of cooing. The cry of heat is a low and regular cry. The male rabbit usually makes the call when he chases the mother rabbit. The 9. round of Circling When the rabbit adult, there may be circling behavior. Circling is a courtship behavior, sometimes also make a grunting noise. Circling also can represent the people want to pay atte


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