
危重病人的病情观察与急救护理(Observation and emergency care of critically ill patients).doc

危重病人的病情观察与急救护理(Observation and emergency care of critically ill patients).doc

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危重病人的病情观察与急救护理(Observation and emergency care of critically ill patients)

危重病人的病情观察与急救护理(Observation and emergency care of critically ill patients) Observation and emergency care of critically ill patients I. radio questions 1, vomiting in the stomach for a long time is A. sour B. bitterness C. smell D. fecal odor E. rotten apple flavor 2, do not use dipterex poisoning gastric lavage solution A. warm water Potassium Permanganate B. C. clear water D. sodium bicarbonate E. brine 3. When the organophosphorus pesticide poisoning is prohibited, the gastric lavage fluid is forbidden A. normal saline Potassium Permanganate B. C. sodium bicarbonate D. warm water E. clear water 4. The diameter of the normal pupil under natural light is A.1.52 mm B.2.54 mm C.3.55 mm D.4.56 mm E.5.56 mm 5 which of the following drugs are used for acute heart failure? A. lidocaine B. phenylephrine C. cedilanid D. morphine E. phenobarbital 6 critically ill patients are first observed Does A. have dehydration acidosis? B.T, P, R, BP C. changes in the state of consciousness D. physical activity E. defecation 7, the general situation of the patient, which of the following except? A. facial expression B. postural position C. Nutrition Development D. drug reaction E. diet sleep 8, consciousness normal should not appear A. insomnia B. anxiety C. fear D. personality behavior change E. has poor memory 9, electric suction suction sputum, each time inserted catheter does not exceed the time A.5 seconds B.10 seconds C.15 seconds D.20 seconds E.25 seconds 10, coma patients eyelids can not be closed A. hot compress eye B. massage eyelids C. eye drops D. covers with a sterile towel E. cover Vaseline gauze 11. The correct way of oxygen supply for pulmonary encephalopathy is A. intermittent oxygen use B. low flow oxygen use C. high concentration continuous oxygen supply D. low flow intermittent oxygen delivery E. high concentration intermittent oxygen delivery 12. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in moderate hypoxia? A.2.63.6 B.2.64.6 C.3.64.6 D.4.65.6 E.4.66.6 13, oxygen conce



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