
各校博士毕业要求(Doctoral requirements).doc

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各校博士毕业要求(Doctoral requirements)

各校博士毕业要求(Doctoral requirements) The requirements of various schools for doctoral graduation articles (collections) ****************************** School: Harbin Institute of Technology Speciality: Instrument Science and technology Minimum requirements: one EI, 2 core, one English Normal condition: =3, EI, an English Let me talk about it School: Tsinghua University Application engineering major requires a EI, 2 core, engineering partial theory, such as computer science, mechanics, etc., a SCI, two Ei or two articles. Northwest Normal University: A core of Liberal Arts Wuhan University of Technology School of materials: The SCI effect factor was 2. More than 0, one can graduate Normally, at least one English, two core, three articles, at least two were SCI or EI included Now many schools do not pursue quantity, and ask for quality Usually the influence factor adds up to 4, the quantity is not limited School: Nanchang University Major: material processing Requirement: a EI or SCI, 4 core Harbin Institute of Technology Materials science: the sum of 3 SCI or influential factors is greater than 3 Material processing: 2 SCI, at least one English, or the sum of the influence factors is greater than 3 Zhejiang University SCI article two. And IF (impact factor) requirements Tsinghua University Electrical engineering, 3, EI Sichuan University (formerly West China Medical University) medical: request an SCI School: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Profession: computer Minimum requirement: one English EI, 3 core Normal condition: two high factor English EI or more North China Electric Power University power and power, minimum two, EI, two core Xiamen University Mathematics: a Sci, a core Shandong University Requirements: at least 2 English, SCI/EI included. Or, English format, doctors thesis. Yanshan University Two EI or SCI, one of which is English University of Science and Technology Beijing One SCI or EI, two core The actual requirements of the tutor, my supervisor requires mini


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