
吉林省玉米宽窄行密植机械栽培技术(Mechanical planting cultivation technology of maize row in Jilin Province).doc

吉林省玉米宽窄行密植机械栽培技术(Mechanical planting cultivation technology of maize row in Jilin Province).doc

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吉林省玉米宽窄行密植机械栽培技术(Mechanical planting cultivation technology of maize row in Jilin Province)

吉林省玉米宽窄行密植机械栽培技术(Mechanical planting cultivation technology of maize row in Jilin Province) This paper describes the mechanical cultivation technique of Maize in Jilin province wide narrow row planting, including variety selection and seed treatment, sowing preparation, mechanical sowing, field management and harvesting timely content for corn growers reference. Keywords corn; row planting; preparation before sowing; seeding machine; field management; Jilin Province CLC number S513.048, document identifier number B, article number 1007-5739 (2010) 01-0067-02 The test shows that mechanical cultivation techniques of row planting corn, wide narrow row planting capable of fertilizing the soil, increase the content of organic matter, improve soil permeability and the ecological environment, reduce soil erosion, water erosion, promote the growth and development of maize, root number, leaf area, photosynthetic potential, green long period [1]. Mechanical sowing, the plant seedlings, minimizing the plants for water and fertilizer, for glory, for heat, to plant growth and natural conditions of supply, optimize the environment for the growth of corn, conducive to plant growth, easy seedling, stable yield, high yield to win the foundation but also save; the thinning of employment, to field management, reduce the labor intensity, saves the production cost. The existing uniform ridge (65cm) spacing planting was changed into narrow row spacing of 40cm, wide row spacing of 80 ~ 90cm, wide row combined with deep tillage and top dressing. During the autumn harvest, the seedlings are narrow and the rows are about 40cm high stubble. The strip rotary tillage on line width, reach the state of sowing, narrow row high stubble natural decay and returning. Spring sowing, sowing in wide row rotary well, forming a narrow line width for seedlings, subsoiling fertilization, completed last year, with the rotation of the deep pine seedlings under cultivation [2]. After many years of experiments a


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