
四级计分方式(Four stage scoring system).doc

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四级计分方式(Four stage scoring system)

四级计分方式(Four stage scoring system) First of all, there are so many kinds of questions in grade four of English that can be divided into four groups. The first one is listening. The second groups are all reading (big reading, quick reading, fifteen choice ten). The third groups are integrated tests (cloze and translation). The last grouping is composition. That is to say, 100 points to 710 points for the conversion is not you percentile score and the control table to see this fraction corresponds to how much the standard score, but score was calculated for each group of how many points you get, and then get the corresponding look-up table score group in your score on the score, then plus and. This is what I just said, the percentile results and the final grade, there is no necessary reason for contact. Of these four groups, the listening group and the reading group are 35 points, so they correspond to the shared 35 point conversion table. And the comprehensive test, the word grouping and the writing grouping are 15 points, and they correspond to the shared 15 point conversion table. So there are only two conversion tables made from 100 to 710, and here are the forms: A and 35 conversion tables 35-248.5 34-238 33-227.5 32-220.5 31-213.5 30-206.5 29-199.5 28-192.5 27-185.5 26-178.5 25-175 24-171.5 23-168 22-164.5 21-161 20-157.5 19-154 18-154 17-150.5 16-147 15-143.5 14-140 13-136.5 12-133 11-129.5 10-126 9-126 8-122.5 7-119 6-119 5-115.5 4-112 3-108.5 2-105 1-105 0-101.5 B and 15 conversion tables 15-106.5 14-100.5 13-94.5 12-90 11-85.5 10-81 9-76.5 8-72 7-67.5 6-63 5-58.5 4-55.5 3-52.5 2-49.5 1-46.5 0-43.5 Through the above two forms, see three problems, The first question, all wrong is scoring, such as 15 points in the table, 0 points corresponding to 43.5 points, ha ha! The second question, there are several scores corresponding to the standard score is the same, such as the 35 table, 18 points and 19 points, corresponding to 154 points. Ill say, the percentile syst



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