
因特斯英语学习法(English learning method).doc

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因特斯英语学习法(English learning method)

因特斯英语学习法(English learning method) English learning method Zhao 1. establish assault targets The assault targets generally, Kaobo PubMed, title examination or on-the-job postgraduate exam please, or study abroad. When you have selected your goals, read the syllabus, vocabulary, questions, reference books, etc.. Vocabulary is a hard index. Such as the national test English, English vocabulary to reach 6000, phrase 2000, and a system of graduate students required to College English 1-2 books based on the vocabulary requirements of 4000. In short, according to the examination outline to determine the examination difficulty. 2. measure vocabulary To determine the existing level of candidates is the basis of the whole assault plan, and vocabulary is the most intuitive indicator. According to the examination requirements, you can choose a vocabulary, vocabulary test for students: random sampling of 10% yards for testing, for the approximate calculation. As a college student Party school graduate, on the selection of Shanghai education press College English Syllabus general vocabulary (grade 1-4) measured the accuracy rate is 30%, the vocabulary of about 1200 words, in addition, but also by the random sampling tests, such as principal, glance, sandwich, suffer, hazard, ogle etc.. To test these words can quickly know the students language background know structure, interest, vocabulary, reading etc.. It is very helpful to select foreign language materials. Vocabulary can be divided into 1000 or less, 1000-2000, 2000-3000, 30008000, students at different levels of learning goals vary. For example, a doctor of English smoothly through the English Grading Test, TOEFL more than 600 points, but one cant speak english. His goal is how to break through rules English into free English and enjoy the pleasure of English communication. 3. choose reading materials Intensive reading and extensive reading of foreign language is assault two legs, are indispensable, in the main re



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