
复试如何直面导师(How to tutor face to face).doc

复试如何直面导师(How to tutor face to face).doc

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复试如何直面导师(How to tutor face to face)

复试如何直面导师(How to tutor face to face) How to face the tutor in the second interview -- answer the questions of N classmates Episode 1 Some students have met the supervisor before the first retest, or they are already familiar with him, So the following words are given to people who are not familiar with the situation and appear to be more helpless. Most of the students, Between the first and the second interview, or during the interview, Ill see my supervisor for the first time, Seeing a large or semi profound Professor sits in front of them like a row of big bookcases in front of them, And theyll ask you a random question from any page of any book on this bookcase. Its a little nervous, isnt it? Never mind. Ill do my best to tell you a little about what I know and maybe help you. 1: the time before the interview. In the previous 1 to 2 weeks, it is better to contact the supervisor immediately after the next interview. Phone numbers can be found in all departments and offices. Tell your name first, and tell him that you have passed the score, Now a lot of cases are not very clear, asked questions related to re examination procedures, talk about your interest in the profession, And the degree of concern, you read what books, and now in order to re examination should also see what, and so on. If he is very friendly and peaceful, then he finally asks if he can make a visit, I want to know more about it. He promised the best. When visiting, it is very difficult to send some small gifts to you. It is also very difficult for instructors to give you lectures. Besides, it is a mentor for the future, A little gift is a must, not something expensive (if you and he have no bad intentions), some fruit Just wait. All this is done to deepen the teachers understanding and impression of you. In this process, if you are academic, professional, you should talk about professional matters, If you are not a special cow, youd better show him your great enthusiasm and hope for the professio



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