
大一 计算机复习题8(Freshman computer review 8).doc

大一 计算机复习题8(Freshman computer review 8).doc

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大一 计算机复习题8(Freshman computer review 8)

大一 计算机复习题8(Freshman computer review 8) 08_001_001 () a collection of related web pages and related documents, from which the home page is used as the starting point for browsing. A. website B. domain name C. URL D. screen name 08_001_002 Usually, HTML documents are called web pages, and the extensions to a static web file are usually (). A..Htm or.HTML B..Php C..Jsp D..Asp 08_001_003 The HTML file must be compiled and executed by a specific program to display it. This compiler is (). A.Web browser B. text editor C. interpreter D. compiler 08_001_004 The tag name of the HTML file is written in (). A. (B.) C.[] D.{} 08_001_005 The paragraph mark for the HTML file is (). A.P D.h1 08_001_006 A general HTML file uses () to mark the beginning and end of a file. A.html/html B.body/body C.head/head D.title/title 08_001_007 In HTML files, the bold text is usually marked with (). A.b... /b B.i... /i C.u... /u D.a... /a 08_001_008 In the HTML file, the () tag is used for hyperlinks in the web page. A.a... /a B.i... /i C.u... /u D.b... /b 08_001_009 In the FrontPage 2003 web view mode, click () tags can visually edit your web pages. A. design B. Preview C. code D. navigation 08_001_010 In FrontPage 2003, inserting tables is usually for (). A. controls the location of text, pictures, etc. in a web page B. can insert sounds in a web page C. can insert video into a web page D. can insert pictures in web pages 08_001_011 The power of a web page is that it organizes information in Internet organically so that we can browse selectively. A. hyperlink B. pictures C. sound D. text 08_001_012 If you want to set the page properties, you can do so by following. Properties command in the A. File menu Properties command in the B. menu C. the properties command in the Insert menu Properties command in the tools menu of D. 08_001_013 In Frontpage2003, if you want to establish a link within the same page, you should use the following () link form. A. bookmark hyperlink B. email hyperl



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