
大白菜winxp系统介绍(Introduction of Chinese cabbage WinXP system).doc

大白菜winxp系统介绍(Introduction of Chinese cabbage WinXP system).doc

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大白菜winxp系统介绍(Introduction of Chinese cabbage WinXP system)

大白菜winxp系统介绍(Introduction of Chinese cabbage WinXP system) System introduction: The advantages of this release are as follows: 1. dozen full Microsoft July release of patches and missed important patches, including Microsoft LNK vulnerability patch, upgrade flash to 2. optimization adjustment, effectively enhance the system safety and running speed 3. updates the optional root certificate, IMAPI, and the patch that automatically closes the U disk 4. add partial optimizations: disable compressing old file functions, shutting down system failures, debugging 5., the system shut down file protection, 360 will report vulnerabilities, I believe 360 of the, please do not download. The 6. source installation disk is MSDN-WINDOWS-XP-SP3-VOL-X86-CHS, properly streamlined and optimized. 7. integrates MSXML4SP2, MSXML6, smart card encryption patches, group policy preferences, client extensions, IMAPIv2.0, exFAT patches, and GDI+ patches. 8. integrates the WGA genuine authentication patch, Windows Update V6 control, supports online verification and automatic update. 9. completely shut down SFC, the theme has been cracked, TCP/IP connection number has been cracked. 10. browser for its own IE6, patches have been updated to date. The automatic push of IE7 and IE8 is blocked. 11. integrates Windows Media Player 11 and updates patches to the latest. 12. integrated Flash10 ActiveX control, with control panel uninstall. 13. additional integration of the VC2005/VC2008 runtime, the DirectX runtime, and better support for 3D games. 14. integration of the latest version of QQ2011, compression software, Sogou input method, thunderbolt 7, etc., more suitable for computer maintenance personnel quick installation. 15. add a few beautiful screensavers, featured dozens of HD Wallpaper more practical and convenient function. Improved...... ======================================= Chinese cabbage team strength to build high-quality installed CD, installed backup, maintenance free worry!


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