
如何解决打印问题(How do I solve printing problems).doc

如何解决打印问题(How do I solve printing problems).doc

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如何解决打印问题(How do I solve printing problems)

如何解决打印问题(How do I solve printing problems) The landlord only personal master to evaluate the PROE, have blinders problem, for example when the thickness of the lines of print can be reflected, but you have to set your configuration file, do you think there are a lot of problems that you havent mastered it, learn it, if you can master you can modify their own. There is software each have their own advantages and disadvantages, not Overgeneralization Set to print defaults to the system Add the following parameters to Set PLOTTING = = = =! Printer Raster_plot_dpi 300! Sets the print resolution Shaded_postscript_background no Use_software_linefonts yes! Use exact linetype when drawing LANDSCAPE_POSTSCRIPT_PRINT NO, does it rotate 90 degrees when printing? Pro_plot_config_dir $PRODIR/../pro_stds/plot_configs! PLOTTER, SET:, To, your, defaut, plotter Plotter HP1055CM - build system default plotter Plotter_command WINDOWS_PRINT_MANAGER! Set the command for the system to start the drawing Use_8_plotter_pens YES! Sets whether the printer supports 8 plotter pens, and defaults to 4 The default value for pen1-pen8 is 4,1,2,3,2,3,1,4; the larger the value, the wider the width of the pen, and the thickest is 16 Here is the 8 pen width for setting up the system. How big you want to set, and how much you can set, so why use PEN files? Pen1_line_weight 5 Pen2_line_weight 2 Pen3_line_weight 2 Pen4_line_weight 2 Pen5_line_weight 2 Pen6_line_weight 2 Pen7_line_weight 2 Pen8_line_weight 2 If you are using the map pen table file below to determine the pen width, set the pen1-pen8 above and comment on it Pen_table_file D:\users\homelover\TABLE.PNT! Pro/Engineer has been widely used as the mainstream 3d software. The ultimate goal of the design is to guide production, and it is an urgent requirement for the design engineer to produce two-dimensional engineering drawings conveniently and quickly. After more than 10 years of development and improvement, Pro/Engineer has



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