
实战六、LCD显示单个B字(Actual combat six and LCD display a single B word).doc

实战六、LCD显示单个B字(Actual combat six and LCD display a single B word).doc

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实战六、LCD显示单个B字(Actual combat six and LCD display a single B word)

实战六、LCD显示单个B字(Actual combat six and LCD display a single B word) Actual combat 6, LCD shows a single B word The purpose of this fight is to make you familiar with the MCD1 LCD reading and writing methods The program file name MCD-LCD1.ASM The procedure list is as follows: **********************************************; STATUS EQU 3H; defines the status register address PORTA EQU 5H; defines the address of the RA port data register PORTC EQU 7H; defines the address of the RC port data register TRISA EQU 85H; defines the address control register address of the RA port TRISC EQU 87H; defines the address control register address of the RC port ADCON1 EQU 9FH; defines the address of the ADC module control register 1 ********************; Z EQU 2; defines the bit address of the 0 status bit RP0 EQU 5; defines the bit address of the page select RP0 *********************; RS EQU 1; the LCD register select pin is defined at the RA.1 pin RW EQU 2; the LCD read / write signal pin is defined at the RA.2 pin E EQU 3; LCD chip select signal is defined in the RA.3 foot foot **********************; ORG 000H NOP; place an empty operation command required by ICD GOTO MAIN ORG 0008H MAIN BSF, STATUS, RP0; define the RA port, and the RC port is all output MOVLW 07H MOVWF ADCON1; set the RA port all for the ordinary digital IO port MOVLW 00H MOVWF TRISA MOVWF TRISC BCF, STATUS, RP0 CALL DELAY; when calling Ting, just power up, LCD reset does not necessarily have PIC fast MOVLW 01H MOVWF PORTC screen; CALL ENABLE MOVLW 38H MOVWF PORTC; 8 bit, 2 line 5x7 dot matrix CALL ENABLE MOVLW 0FH MOVWF PORTC; displays open, cursor open, blinking open CALL ENABLE MOVLW 06H MOVWF PORTC; the text does not move and the cursor moves right CALL ENABLE MOVLW 0C0H MOVWF PORTC; writes the display start address (the first line in the first position) CALL ENABLE MOVLW 42H MOVWF PORTC; code for the letter B BSF, PORTA, RS BCF, PORTA, RW BCF, PORTA, E CALL DELAY BSF, PORTA, E $GOTO ENABLE BCF, PORTA, RS; subrou



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