
室内微环境生态平衡与人体健康关系初探(Preliminary study on the relationship between indoor micro environment ecological balance and human health).doc

室内微环境生态平衡与人体健康关系初探(Preliminary study on the relationship between indoor micro environment ecological balance and human health).doc

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室内微环境生态平衡与人体健康关系初探(Preliminary study on the relationship between indoor micro environment ecological balance and human health)

室内微环境生态平衡与人体健康关系初探(Preliminary study on the relationship between indoor micro environment ecological balance and human health) Fifteenth volume, first issue March 2005 Journal of China Environmental Management Institute JOURNAL OF EMCC Vol.15No.1 Mar.2005 Received date: 2004-06-24 Biography: Wang Yangfeng (1978 -), male, Han, Henan Xinxiang, graduated from Shandong University, bachelor degree, assistant engineer, mainly engaged in environmental protection and pollution prevention work. Article number: 1008-813 (2005) 01-0079-04 CLC number: X503, document identification code: A Preliminary study on the relationship between indoor micro environment ecological balance and human health Wangyangfeng (Xinxiang motor vehicle pollution source supervision center, Henan, Xinxiang 453003, China) Abstract: Based on the composition of the ecological balance of indoor micro environment and the factors that break this balance, the indoor micro environment is discussed in detail The importance of ecological balance to human health, and further pointed out that in order to reduce the incidence of disease, we should first improve indoor micro Environmental ecological balance, which is the best way to control disease. Keywords: micro environment; ecological balance; health Primary, Research, on, Relation, between, Indoor Micro-environment, Ecological, Balance, and, Human, Health WANG Yang-feng (Xinxiang, Supervision, Center, of, Vehicle, Pollution, Source, Xinxiang, Henan453003) Abstract:In, this, paper, from, micro, environment, ecological, equilibrium,, constitution, and, fac- Tors, breaking, this, kind, of, balance, we, described, in, detail, the,, importance, of, indoor, micro-en- Vironment, ecological, balance, to, human, health, and, pointed, out, that, in, order, to, lower, down Incidence, of, disease, we, should, improve, indoor, micro-environment,, of, ecological, balance First, of, all., This, is, the, best, way,, to, control, disease. Key words:micro-environment; ecological



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