
密封铅酸蓄电池的充放电特性(Charge discharge characteristics of sealed lead-acid batteries).doc

密封铅酸蓄电池的充放电特性(Charge discharge characteristics of sealed lead-acid batteries).doc

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密封铅酸蓄电池的充放电特性(Charge discharge characteristics of sealed lead-acid batteries)

密封铅酸蓄电池的充放电特性(Charge discharge characteristics of sealed lead-acid batteries) Charge discharge characteristics of sealed lead-acid batteries Source: China Green Data Center Author: room 360 update time: 2009/12/20 18:51:17 Abstract: the discharge capacity of UPS designed is usually 50% ~ 70% of rated capacity, and it is better to charge for 24 hours continuously after general discharge. The constant current charge is 0.1C10 (6A), regardless of the 50% discharge or the 100% discharge. The constant voltage charge is 6.75V (2.25V/cell), which is carried out at 25 C ambient temperature. 1 discharge characteristics of the battery The discharge characteristic of the battery is a family curve (see Figure 1). At a certain ambient temperature (25 Celsius), the relationship between the battery terminal voltage and the discharge time is called the discharge curve with the discharge current. The following characteristics can be seen from the discharge curve: (1) the curve with the longest discharge time, the discharge time is 10 hours, the current is constant. We call it the 10 hour discharge rate curve, and the capacity of the battery is expressed by C10 C10=6A * 10h=60Ah If the same battery is measured by 1 hours of continuous exile, then C1=41.9A * 1h=41.9Ah This shows that the capacity of the battery is calibrated after the discharge system, and then is a comparable value. (2) whether the discharge current size, in the initial phase of the discharge will cause the voltage drop more, then a slight rebound phenomenon, this is because the battery state of charge discharge state is changed from the moment, battery charge near the plate quickly released, but the charge is far away from the plate gradually transported to near the plate. Before release, this process forms a larger battery voltage low. (3) no matter the size of the discharge current, the battery voltage will appear inflection point decline sharply, to get the inflection point of these curves connecting curve is cal



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