
广东省阳山县水口石灰厂石场制灰用灰岩矿(Guangdong province Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone mine).doc

广东省阳山县水口石灰厂石场制灰用灰岩矿(Guangdong province Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone mine).doc

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广东省阳山县水口石灰厂石场制灰用灰岩矿(Guangdong province Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone mine)

广东省阳山县水口石灰厂石场制灰用灰岩矿(Guangdong province Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone mine) All or part of the report shall not be published in any public media except as required by law. Important note: The Yangshan County Water lime plant ash quarry assessment report for limestone ore mining rights. In order to understand the overall situation of the evaluation project, the full assessment report of the mining right should be carefully read. Evaluate responsible personnel: Legal representative of evaluation institution: Mining appraiser: Mining appraiser: Qingdao Heng Yuande Consulting Co., assessment of mining rights October 15th, two Catalog Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone ore mining rights assessment report1... Yangshan County water plant lime quarry limestone ore mining rights assessment report3... 1, the mineral rights assessment body:... 2, to assess the commissioning party:...:... 3, the object and scope of the assessment:... 4, the purpose of evaluation:...?::... 5, to assess the base date:... And the following:... 6, on the basis of the evaluation of the following:... 7, the evaluation principle:... 8, the evaluation process:...:... 9, the mining rights overview:... 9.1 position traffic and physical geography:... 9.2 the general survey of geological work 7 9.3区域地质… 8 9.4矿区地质 8 9.5矿体特征……八 9.6矿石质量九 9.7矿床开采技术条件…10 10、矿山现状11。 11、评估方法 11 12、评估指标和参数 12 12.1保有资源储量 12 12.2评估利用资源储量十二 12.3开采技术指标…12 12.4可采储量…13 12.5开采方案十三 12.6产品方案十三 12.7生产规模及服务年限…十三 12.8收入估算十四 13、采矿权权益系数 14 14、折现率 14 15、评估结论 14 16、有关问题的说明 15 16.1评估结果的有效期 15 16.2评估基准日后的调整事项 15 16.3评估有效的其他条件 15 16.4特别事项说明 15 17、评估报告提出日期 16 18、评估责任人 16 19、评估工作人员 16 附表: 附表1:采矿权评估结果汇表17。 附表2:采矿权评估价值估算表…18 附件: 一、关于采矿权评估报告书附件使用范围的声明十九 二、阳山县水口石厂石场采矿许可证副本复印件二十 三、清远市国土资源局清国土资储备字[ 2011 ] 23号《广东省阳山县水口矿区制灰用灰岩矿资源储量核实报告》矿产资源储量评审备案证明二十一 Four, Guangdong information storage review No. [2011]76 word Guangdong province Yangshan County water mining limestone mineral resources reserve verification report review opi



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