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异域狂想曲过关流程乱七八糟版(Exotic Rhapsody, cross process, messy Edition)
异域狂想曲过关流程乱七八糟版(Exotic Rhapsody, cross process, messy Edition)
Get the Assassin: automatic pistol (60 EXP), all the endless back to the old street before the one page questionnaire in there to accept glass, can be musty (if you choose the option with her the same words, will use a pocket million). Get all the materials, which are endless. Back to the old street with ED again (90 EXP) dialogue there is a secret box in the old street entrance angle ~ ~ ~ and glazed sub location of the open, also available [moldy perfume. Leave the city before Lynn will once again join into the river. When the heat will occur, and let the story Lynn acquisition stunt jump, by Jerry and Philip will leave after the arrival of remorse, sightseeing, and Sophia conversation, choose help to ignite the torch to heat river, swamp grass dark moon looking glass in addition, back to the big map will be encountered Sophia, you can open the hot river, Jerry and Philip to come back on the map will encounter the thief stealing a log, after the defeat will get dolphin parcels and taro, the log has been taken away by Fred. Going back to infinity, talking to Lins boss, youve got experience. In the glass swamp, where a skeleton is blocked, it is destroyed by Philips electric meat grinder, and then goes to the rust and iron garden. At the top right-hand corner of the rust and iron garden, Fred was found to have been taken away. After the festival of fools will join Fred , exiles home to chat with Angela, choose to find a way to get the adult country things of trying to cheat hand, then get the sexy underwear, with which Fred turned the iron rust and props through the garden, the rose city will have arrived: fighting please check at ~ fighting to get something (or the end of combat in back but not see Oh ~) see pan flower tears, she will join the conversation, then put the Pandora up to 5 even learn magic to go to the city rose sharply break ~ ~ there is a portrait of magic headquarters ~ then to go the tow
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