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征服四种交易恐惧心理(Conquer four trade fears)
征服四种交易恐惧心理(Conquer four trade fears)
Conquer four trade fears
Compile: Guo Jianjing
The Merian Webster dictionary, made the following explanation for fear of a word: emotional restless and lead to a sense of danger or expected, added, is often restless, also lack of courage.
The explanation for fear can help identify investors feelings of unease. In fact, all investors experience fear to varying degrees, but as investors, the key is how to deal with risks. This article focuses on the four major fears experienced by investors, and then describes the results of bad transactions created by different fears. After you read this article, I hope you can fully understand these risks, explore ideas, eliminate fear, and execute your trading plan normally.
Mark Douglas, a trading psychologist, pointed out in his book the realm of trading that most investors are sure they know what will happen next. This leads investors to take too much notice of the outcome of the transaction, but he ignores the fact that he has been working on a probability game and should evaluate his trading from this angle. The result is that investors either sad day Benjamin tread on air, or emotional reaction, after a series of successful experience, overbearing, overweeningly ambitious; conversely, after a series of failures, is downhearted, overcautious.
As each transaction becomes important in the minds of investors, fear increases. Investors come to a standstill, difficulties do not arise spontaneously, what is wrong. Pressure is growing, investors heart is simply dark clouds pressure city to destroy, there is no respite.
All investors fear, but successful investors control their fears, and failed investors are seized by fear. When we are faced with potential risks, we naturally react like this, persist or run away? We either fight potential risks or run away from right and wrong. The critical moment, if investors will have a negative response, fear, pressure increased sharply, the natural. The inves
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