
惠普前ceo管理成最不受认可ceo 乔布斯支持率高(HPs former CEO management into the most recognized CEO, Jobs high support rate).doc

惠普前ceo管理成最不受认可ceo 乔布斯支持率高(HPs former CEO management into the most recognized CEO, Jobs high support rate).doc

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惠普前ceo管理成最不受认可ceo 乔布斯支持率高(HPs former CEO management into the most recognized CEO, Jobs high support rate)

惠普前ceo管理成最不受认可ceo 乔布斯支持率高(HPs former CEO management into the most recognized CEO, Jobs high support rate) According to foreign media reports, the U.S. website recently announced the most recognized employee CEO list. The result showed that Mark Hird, who resigned from HP just because of the sex scandal, was at the bottom of the list, with a staff approval rate of only 34%, while Jobs topped the list with a staff approval rate of 98%. On this site, employees can anonymously rating major companies and ceos. The list shows that Mark Hirds employee recognition rate is only 34%, without the approval rate is as high as 66%. comparison, apple chief executive officer Steve Jobs in recognition rate of Apple employees get up to 98%; CISCO CEO Chambers won the employee recognition rate is 81%; ??? and tennis partner Mark Hird and defense, Oracle CEO Larry Ellisons employee recognition rate is 78%; YAHOO CEO Carol Bartz won the employee recognition rate is 56%, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer received the employee recognition rate is 52% in a word, in this, rankings, you CEO employees affected by the level of love are significantly higher than the Mark - Hird. ??? - Mark Hird is not the reason HP employees widely recognized is not what secret, but he wantonly cut costs A thing has its cause., for example, a large number of jobs, but they receive high salary from HP. Although 5 years in his office, Mark - Hird firmly control HP, and promote HPs revenue and profits increased significantly, but the survey shows that Hird did not receive more staff welcome. ??? in the third quarter of 2008, Mark Hirds employee recognition rate has reached 57%, which is the highest during HPs record, but in the last year was reduced to 19%, but the current quarter began to rebound momentum. Time management (Time Management) Catalog 1 what is time management? 2 time management method 3 the latest time management --GTD Eleven golden rule [1] 4 time management 5 time management case study 5.1 case 1:



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