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惯量转矩计算经验知识(Empirical knowledge of inertia torque calculation)
惯量转矩计算经验知识(Empirical knowledge of inertia torque calculation)
1. Calculation of load torque
The load torque calculation method added to the servo motor shaft load torque calculation formula varies from machine to machine. But no matter what kind of machinery, it should calculate the load torque converted to the motor shaft.
Generally, the load torque converted to the servo motor shaft can be calculated by the following formula:
Tl= (F*L/2 PI) +T0
Mode: Tl converts the load torque to the motor shaft (N.M);
F: the force required to move the work table in an axial direction;
L: the mechanical displacement of the motor shaft at each turn (M);
To: ball screw nut, the friction torque of the bearing is translated to the value of the servo motor shaft (N.M);
In addition, the efficiency of driving system
F: depending on the weight of the table, the coefficient of friction, the horizontal or vertical cutting forces, whether the balance blocks are used (used on the vertical axis).
No cutting time: F= * (W+fg), cutting time: F=Fc+ * (W+fg+Fcf).
W: the weight of the slider (worktable and workpiece) Kg;
In addition, the coefficient of friction;
Fc: the reaction force of cutting force;
Fg: tighten the bar with the insert;
Fcf: the force on the table due to the cutting force acting on the slider surface (kg), that is, the table is pressing toward the positive pressure of the guideway. The following points should be paid special attention to when calculating torque:
(a) the friction torque due to the strip must be fully considered. Usually, the torque calculated from the weight of the slider and the coefficient of friction is very small. Please pay special attention to the torque due to the tightening of the insert and the accuracy error of the slider surface.
(b) the torque produced by the preload of the bearing, the preload of the nut, the preload of the screw, and the friction of the ball contact surface can not be neglected. Especially small, light weight equipment. Such tor
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