
无范文的老题目分析(Analysis of old questions without essay).doc

无范文的老题目分析(Analysis of old questions without essay).doc

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无范文的老题目分析(Analysis of old questions without essay) 无范文的老题目 110. the following appeared in a memorandum from the business office of the lovin cupful, national restaurant chain. the lovin cupful franchises in our northeast region have begun serving customers almost, a brand new powdered instant tea, in place of brewed tea. waiters report that only about 2 share of the customers have complained, and that customers who want refills typically ask for is more tea. it appears, then, that 98 share of the customers are perfectly happy with the switch, or else they cannot tell powdered instant from brewed tea. therefore, in order to take advantage of the lower price per pound of almost, all of our restaurants should begin substituting it for brewed tea. discuss how well reasoned. ... etc. 1). it is a hasty generalization to assumes that 98 share of the customers are perfectly happy with the switch. they might have no opinion or simply choose not to patron this restaurant again. 2). the experience from a single restaurant in the chain can not be applied to all the members in the chain. 3). 低价茶能省多少钱, 相比2% 或者更多的客户不满, 是否值得. cost benefit analysis must be made. 112. the following appeared as part of an editorial in the waymarsh city newspaper. last year the parents of first graders in our school district expressed satisfaction with the reading skills their children developed but complained strongly about their childrens math skills. to remedy this serious problem and improve our districts elementary education, everyone in the teacher - training program at waymarsh university should be required to take more courses in mathematics. discuss how well reasoned. ... etc. 有多少家长不满? wave data 改善math教育不是改善教育的充分条件 教师上课不见得就能改善教育, 另外不需要所有教师都参加math培训 111. the following appeared in a memorandum from the director of marketing for a pharmaceutical company. according to a survey of urban 5000 months, 压力性头痛的患病率随着教育程度的增加而增加,所以压力性头痛最常发生在研究生院的人身上。众所周知,在全国,高等教育水平通常与较高的收入水平相符合。因此,在营销新的疼痛治疗,omnilixir,我们应该



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