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旅游地理学(Tourism Geography)
Travel Geography.Txt - you pedal two boats, you row beautifully. Every man who says he doesnt want to be in love has an impossible man in his heart. I love every unhappy but still laughing child. (there is no one, see through me, invisible, know Im waiting for someone). Noun interpretation
Tourism demand: the demand for tourism is the quantity of tourist products that a tourist is willing and able to purchase at a given period of time, at a certain price, that is, the amount of tourist demand for a certain destination.
Delphi method: Delphi method in the form of a questionnaire to a selected group of experts for consultation, after several rounds of consultation with the experts tend to be consistent, forecast results are obtained.
Spatial competition of tourist destinations: because when there are many tourist sites in the same area, their respective attractions often appear dynamic changes of the increase or decrease of the same period and the re organization of the regional tourism market structure.
RBD, literally a recreation business district. Defined as a specific retail business district established in towns and cities, consisting of a variety of souvenir shops, tourist attractions, restaurants, snack stalls, etc., which attracts a large number of tourists.
TECC: the maximum number of visitors to use a scenic spot in the absence of unacceptable changes in the natural environment and the unacceptable quality of visitor experience.
Major factors affecting decision making
(1) perceived environmental information collection (2) minimum travel time principle, the maximum benefit ratio maximum (choice of tourist destination - the most famous natural / human environment and the largest tourism destination resident difference) (3): consider tourism preference from the age, occupation, education.
Characteristics of spatial behavior of tourists:
(1) large scale space behavior: trying to the higher level of tourism tourism; as far as possible to
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